Designer Realm Launch #13: F₃Manifesto
{Inserted from the DIGITALAX Indie Web3 Fashion Fleet release}
It’s weird writing this next article, as I’m so used to writing in third person.
But, at the end of the day, how could I be helping to steward an entire fashion and metaverse revolution without embracing the full extent of the practice myself.
So with that….
Designer Realm #13 is F₃Manifesto.
Launched by Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee.
F₃Manifesto (F₃M) is a rally flag for the entire web3 fashion movement. It’s a label and realm that is built for so much than just the digital and physical threads and collections that it will spin up and release.
The style of F₃M is a mix between Vintage 50s Americana, Ultra Bright Neon Decopunk and Patch Work Digi Core Street Style. All natively emergent within the web3 metaverse era.
All designs will be handcrafted personally and interwoven with CC0 (Creative Commons) and proactively derivative works encouraging content and composable elements.
Ultimately, anyone is very strongly encouraged to do whatever the hell they want with what we create, as long as they preserve the same rights of everyone else to do the same.
This undercuts every copyright cartel by commodotising their core capital supplies into becoming the complements of the commons.
With every collection and release brought forth, we will build on and reinforce the meta-source vaults and also native principles of decentralisation and building in web3. At the heart of it, it is still very early in web3 fashion, and very few recognise the radical transformation already underway.
The realm will build out the very first Web3 Fashion Manifesto imprinted directly onto every garment, fabric, patch and experience manifested into existence.
The Manifesto is a weaving into fabric, digital and physical, of the literal stories that make up the history of textile creation, manufacturing and merchandising.
These snippets and threads of countless works and lives are often left forgotten on the cutting room floor as the 20th century practices of centralised corporate control have left no room for anything unique, substantive or meaningful in the products that we consume or the garments that we wear.
Web3 enables designers and every complimentary artisan in the broader web3 fashion ecosystem to out produce the economies of scale the old corporates have abused, while, for the first time, elevating to even greater appreciation the most unique and genuine elements of style, which were previously left behind.
The manifesto will be made up of audio pieces, video content, text, spoken word, materials, textures, fabrics, patches, beading, patterns and specialty under and above ground events — all open sourced as 1155 NFTs, creating the Manifesto On-Chain library and including within the master garment NFTs offering these contributors new way to monetise and completely rejuvenate the lingering remnants of the once vanguard segments of fashion history.
The stories will start from those on Fashion Avenue in New York City — encapsulating some of the richest fashion history, culture and stories in the world.
Programmability will also make up a large part of the future production cycles, whereby eventually this Realm will be building out shapeshifting clothing and garments utilising and advancing the latest femtotechnology engineering.
F₃Manifesto is the antithesis of web2 and its legacy of control.
Everything about this realm shatters the structures that the corporate giants rely on to maintain their illusion of ownership over us. Web3 Fashion is literally how we are all going to make it.
Decentralisation is the needle and thread of this Realm, and for anyone who doesn’t see it or wear it yet or thinks that this revolution isn’t already here — Come and take that needle and thread from us if you so dare.
CONNECT With Everything F₃MANIFESTO Here:
Stay tuned for dedicated Twitter spaces + discord live streams so you can start getting to know the web3 fashion labels and designers that are defining the future.
Also, check out the DIGITALAX discord #F₃Manifesto channel where more updates will be released!