The CC0 Arcade | Insert CC0 to Begin
The CC0 Arcade is one of the first big CC0 initiatives to go live within F₃M.
It empowers and supports directly incentivised CC0.
The CC0 Arcade challenges you to get more from the time you spent wasted staring at glowing screens.
Now, each moment, each credit, each effort that you put in to the creative machines records, propagates and scales the full diverse extent and quality of content and culture that are not only free in spirit but interesting and interactive enough to keep you engaged in your own self sovereign journeys.
👉 Read the Manifesto Pages here 👈
There is a choose your own vibe here that begins when you insert CC0 into an arcade console.
Choose your character, equip accessories as items, apparel and gear, you name it. And start your quest racing through levels to gather consumables before your survival time runs out.
The first hint of a taste will have a lot to do with speed runs and the physics of sound propulsion. Maybe even a survival runner with RPG elements 🤨
Will sixties UK mod fashion and modern mod gaming culture finally have an excuse to come together?
Stay tuned and find out.